Lots of people are fascinated by what we do.  Clients always ask many questions about how we work, how it all comes together, how do we manage the business – being predominantly run from my home in Bexley..

When Hall of Cakes first started out – nearly 11 years ago now – I was so conscience in the beginning that my business was run from home.  I saw my competitors – to my mind in bright lights – in London and thought I would never be able to compete with them. I didn’t think Hall of Cakes would ever look as glamorous or impressive without a ‘shop front’.  I am proud to say that 10 years later, working for venues such as The Ritz and The Savoy, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Within the house we have a beautiful studio /  office purely for the business.  We also have a separate kitchen – away from the main family kitchen.  Whilst we work in the family kitchen on a daily basis, to maintain a 5 start rating from the Environmental Health Agency we have a separate kitchen to store all equipment, utensils and ingredients.  None of our equipment or utensils cross over with family life.

I think 10 years on, our portfolio speaks for itself.  I think now that people can see the copious amounts of wedding cakes that we have designed and created and see that a glossy shop front isn’t required. Plus, with the benefit of social media now – who needs shop front?  Well, of course, many business do but, with social media nowadays we have our shop front – actually a few shop fronts!

I am over the moon with these images from 3 Boys and Me Photography.  Nina is a candid photographer, who captures real moments and real emotion.  I absolutely love her work.  She is renowned for her black and white imagery, but I love her bursts of colour too.

Nina did this shoot for us back in September.  September was our busiest month this year and to be honest I nearly cancelled the slot I had booked with Nina.  But, I didn’t and I am so glad I didn’t.  The whole point of the shoot was to capture us when we are busy – cakes everywhere, tape measure round my neck (which I usually spend my of my time look for), kids homework book sprayed with icing sugar and the fridge in the background covered with our family memorabelia.

We may not have a glossy shop front but we do create and design amazing cakes.  You may be confronted with a half naked 5 year old (dressed as a skeleton with a spider on her head, like this morning..) when collecting your daughters birthday cake…  But, you will get a beautiful cake from a team with over 50 years’ experience in sugar craft, with an excellent reputation and a portfolio and that I am incredibly proud off.  Oh, and, we don’t have to charge you the overheads of that glossy shopfront in London :)

Thank you Nina.  Fantastic images as always x